速報APP / 教育 / Scratch Tutorials

Scratch Tutorials





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:8 Spring Walk Whitstable Kent CT5 4PP United Kingdom

Scratch Tutorials(圖1)-速報App

This app was developed independently of the MIT Scratch Team, which produces the Scratch programming language and online community. The Scratch name and Scratch cat are trademarks of MIT

Scratch Tutorials(圖2)-速報App

A set of 4 fantastic tutorials packed with dozens of videos to get you going with scratch 2. Loads and loads of skills covered and I promise you that you will create fantastic games by the end of the videos.

Scratch Tutorials(圖3)-速報App

So what are these games? Well we have gone all "retro" with 2 of them which means you will be shown how to create "Breakout" and "Frogger" whilst the 3rd game will show you how to build your own 2 player "top down racer". Finally we will show you how to build a simple game using a webcam and also give some ideas for plenty of extension tasks for all the game builds too.

Scratch Tutorials(圖4)-速報App

These are no ordinary "watch and repeat" type videos though. The vast majority will set you a task, give you some clues how to complete it, and then if you are stuck the next video will show the solution to the task. This way you will build up your skills a little faster in scratch than simply copying what you have seen in the video!

Scratch Tutorials(圖5)-速報App

You will need to head to the scratch website to get going and create yourself a scratch account or download the scratch 2.0 offline editor form the same website.

Scratch Tutorials(圖6)-速報App

*TEACHERS* the point of this app is that kids can use their tablet or phone alongside the pc to build their games in Scratch. You can just sit back and relax without having to plan anything. Oh and there is enough material to keep your students busy for around 6 hours, even if they don't manage to have a go at the extension tasks that are identified for all 4 games!!

Scratch Tutorials(圖7)-速報App

Scratch Tutorials(圖8)-速報App